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Custom facial Implant

Custom facial Implant services offered in the greater Newport Beach, CA area

Custom facial Implant services offered in the greater Newport Beach, CA area

If you’re unhappy with your face and want a more balanced, pleasing-to-the-eye look, see board-certified plastic surgeon Jonathan Zelken, MD, at The Art of Aesthetics in Newport Beach, California. He offers innovative, custom facial implants that exceed your expectations and create flawless beauty. Schedule a consultation today at The Art of Aesthetics by phone or online to learn more about your choices.

What are custom facial implants?

Custom facial implants at The Art of Aesthetics are made of safe, biocompatible materials designed and sculpted to the unique size and shape of your facial features. Dr. Zelken perfects the features you’re unhappy with by placing facial implants beneath your skin during minor surgery. He customizes the implants based on your goals.

What are the benefits of custom facial implants?

Dr. Zelken is recognized as a prestigious top doctor by Super Doctors® and NewBeauty® and was voted one of the 10 best plastic surgeons for patient satisfaction by the American Institute of Plastic Surgeons.

He specializes in facial reconstruction surgery using custom implants. By placing the implants in specific areas, Dr. Zelken redefines the jaw, contours cheeks, and perfects facial proportions. Additional benefits of custom facial implants include a younger appearance, improved balance, self-confidence, and a better quality of life.

Which types of custom facial implants are available?

These custom facial implants are available at The Art of Aesthetics:

MEDPOR facial implants

MEDPOR product lines offer a biocompatible and customizable array of porous polyethylene facial implants. They maximize aesthetic outcomes by creating a precise fit and allowing your body tissues to easily integrate with the implants.

Custom PEEK facial implants 

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) implants are customizable implants that replace voids in the craniofacial and cranial skeletons. They offer rigid construction, exceptional contours, and anatomically precise fits.

Custom jaw implants

Custom jaw implants improve the definition, contours, width, and overall appearance of your jawline. The Art of Aesthetics offers custom wraparound jaw implants to perfect your results.

Custom cheek implants

Custom cheek implants enhance the volume and contours of cheekbones that appear sunken.

Custom chin implants

Custom chin implants increase the size of the chin, optimize its proportion, enhance its shape and contours, and improve your facial profile.

Which custom face implants are right for me?

Dr. Zelkin evaluates your face, discusses your medical history, and reviews your aesthetic goals to determine which facial implants are best for you.

You must be in good overall health and not have a medical condition that slows or prevents healing. If you’re a smoker, you must quit before the procedure. If you’re a match, Dr. Zelkin designs your custom-fitted facial implants.

What should I expect during custom facial implant surgery?

After administering anesthesia, Dr. Zelken makes tiny incisions. He inserts custom facial implants under your skin, allows surrounding muscles and other tissues to hold them in place, and closes the incisions in a way that creates minimal scarring.

Afterward, follow your aftercare instructions to the letter to maximize healing and achieve long-lasting results. Temporary side effects include tenderness, swelling, and bruising. Follow up with Dr. Zelken as needed. The final results will appear after several months when the swelling completely subsides.

Schedule a custom facial implant consultation at The Art of Aesthetics by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

Blepharoplasty Expectations: The First 6 Days

Blepharoplasty before and after images

Day 0

Preoperative. Avoid ibuprofen and alcohol, and any other blood thinners
Blepharoplasty before and after images

Day 01

Night of surgery. The patient has marked swelling and is able to open her eyes part-way. She does not have visual complaints and has no need for pain medication
Blepharoplasty before and after images

day 02

The next day, she reports a slight improvement of swelling, attributable to wearing off of the fluids used to numb the eye.
Blepharoplasty before and after images

day 03

Postoperative day 2 and 3 are usually the worst in Asian eyelids as the fluid swelling is replaced by the body’s natural inflammatory responses.
Blepharoplasty before and after images

day 04

The next day is more of the same, but avoidance of strenuous activity and use of the ointment prescribed facilitates quicker recovery. Bruising begins to fade
Blepharoplasty before and after images

day 05

As swelling resolves the result begins to show, although we are months away from the final outcome. There are still bruises and asymmetries.
Blepharoplasty before and after images

day 06

Stitches generally come out on postoperative day 6 or 7. The act of stitch removal usually stirs up a small amount of swelling, and can be somewhat uncomfortable, but without stitches there, the healing process speeds up and you can be red carpet ready within 2-3 weeks.